Are you still using Windows XP?
Are you, or do you know suppliers or businesses you work with that are still using Windows XP?
If the answer is yes then it is time to start looking at the effect this could have on your business.
Microsoft warned consumers in April that a vulnerability in its Internet Explorer browser could let hackers gain access and user rights to their computer.
They also warned that as support was no longer provided for those still using Windows XP – all extended support ceased earlier in the month – there would be no more official security updates and bug fixes for the operating system.
The company has now revealed it has made an exception to this as the recent flaw was discovered just days after the support ended, but it has given a strong warning to users about what can happen in the future.

Those that are still using Windows XP – believed to be about 30% of all desktops – will be extremely vulnerable to attacks from cyber-thieves.
Despite being more than 12 years old, the system was the second most popular operating system Microsoft has ever produced.
The company announced in 2013, after direct retail sales of XP stopped in 2008, that all support would end in April 2014, and although many businesses made the upgrade, the fact that 30% of desktops are still using Windows XP after the cut off date means that many may be unaware of the consequences.
Any computer still using Windows XP has been left wide open to hackers and viruses with no way to protect itself – and it is unlikely Microsoft will issue updates in future.
Due to its age XP remains highly vulnerable to malware infection, vastly more so than Microsoft’s current operating systems.
The Advice from Microsoft if You’re Still Using Windows XP
The advice from Microsoft, and from us, is that businesses and consumers still using the system should upgrade to a newer alternative. If you need advice or assistance with that please call our offices on 01952 303404.