Tech solution keeps farm vets on the moo-ve
A Shropshire veterinary practice has embraced technology to boost efficiency and keep its vets in touch while on the go.
Rapid growth and increasing numbers of both staff and computers had resulted in a creaking IT infrastructure that was causing frustration for staff at Shropshire Farm Vets and led them to investigate improvements and partner with midlands business IT specialists, Bespoke Computing.

Now the vets all have access to their appointments and other communications while out on calls and all of the practice computers are being centrally managed and maintained for security and updates.
Outdated computers and software were all replaced in a carefully planned and managed process and dual monitor set-ups were even introduced especially for the practice receptionists as this allowed them to multi-task more efficiently.
The upgrade was instigated by one of the practice partners, Alistair Macpherson, who said: “Our existing system was outdated and many of the computers were running different operating systems and we had little or no confidence in our anti-virus software updating and adequately protecting our computers.
“Now, the computers are set up for our needs and the whole computer system and managed IT support have made a positive difference to the practice. Our old computers and support could take days or even weeks to have a problem sorted which was frustrating and highly inefficient. Having Bespoke Computing dial in remotely to detect and sort a problem is very efficient.”
The practice, which is based in Hanwood and serves all of Shropshire and its surrounds, has expanded from two vet partners and two support staff to twelve vets, including four partners, and five support staff during the last 10 years.
Bespoke Computing managing director, Chris Pallett, explained: “Shropshire Farm Vets are a perfect example of how a business can benefit by reassessing it’s IT needs and embracing what is now possible with regard to mobile working and having your systems centrally maintained by specialists. It allows them to get on with the job and let us worry about the technology.
“Using IT thoughtfully can be especially useful in a large rural county like Shropshire, because travelling back to base too often, when it could be a long way away, is not a good use of time. It’s important though that if you’re going to use remote working, you need it set up properly and securely.”
Interested in knowing more? Read our case study…